Glaucoma: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Glaucoma: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Glaucoma is a condition that damages your eye’s optic nerve and it builds pressure inside your eyes. This condition can be inherited and also leads to vision loss. During this condition, the fluid inside your eyes is called aqueous humor that flows out of your eye through the channel. If this channel gets blocked or the eyes are producing too much fluid then aqueous humor fills up in your eyes. 

There are many types of glaucoma such as open-angle glaucoma, closed-angle glaucoma, normal-pressure or low-tension glaucoma, and Congenital glaucoma. While facing these conditions you should visit Ophthalmology Hospital in Lucknow for early diagnosis and treatment. Let’s understand what are the causes of glaucoma, its symptoms, and treatment. 

What are the Symptoms of Glaucoma? 

Symptoms of glaucoma depend on the type of glaucoma. You must understand the symptoms of glaucoma. Symptoms of acute angle closure glaucoma are suddenly your vision becomes blurry, severe eye pain, vomiting, headache, etc. Other than these with any type of glaucoma you may experience eye pressure, rainbow-coloured halos around lights, low vision, blind spots, red eyes, or nausea. Some people may not face these symptoms but they are at higher risk of eventually developing glaucoma.

Some people are at risk of getting glaucoma. People over the age of 40 years, have high eye pressure, have an eye injury, have corneas thin in the center, are farsighted or near-sighted, take long-term steroid medications, have diabetes, migraines, high blood pressure, or other health problems. 

What are the Causes of Glaucoma? 

The most common cause of glaucoma is excessive aqueous humor. The other causes are any specific injury in the eye, severe infection blocking blood vessels inside your eye, eye surgery, or eye inflammatory condition. 

What are the Treatments for Glaucoma? 

Before understanding the treatment you should know about the diagnosis of glaucoma. To check glaucoma condition, gonioscopy, dilated eye exam, optical coherence tomography, pachymetry, slit-lamp exam, ocular pressure test, visual acuity test, and visual field test are done by ophthalmologists. 

There are several treatments for glaucoma and Top Private Hospital in Lucknow provides these treatments with advanced technologies, under the guidance of an experienced team of ophthalmologists. 

Proper treatment of glaucoma slows down vision loss and gives you relief from several symptoms. During early treatment, doctors provide medications to treat glaucoma. Another way to treat glaucoma is laser surgery. The two types of laser surgery for treating glaucoma are trabeculoplasty. With the help of this surgery, the way is built to flow aqueous humor in the drainage angle and reduce pressure on the eyes. Another surgery is iridotomy which is performed to treat angle closure glaucoma. During this, the laser is used to create a tiny hole in the iris. This hole helps fluid flow to the drainage angle. 

With the help of Trabeculectomy, your eye surgeon creates a tiny flap in the sclera and aqueous humor will be able to drain out the eyes through that flap. This surgery reduces the pain that takes place in your eyes. 

Another treatment is cataract surgery, during this surgery, the eye’s natural lens is removed and it lowers the eye pressure. Removing the eye lens with cataract surgery creates more space for fluid to leave the eye.  Glaucoma drainage device is also helpful in treating glaucoma. An ophthalmologist implants a tiny drainage tube in the eye and then it sends fluid to a collection area. The fluid is then absorbed into nearby blood vessels. Glaucoma eye drops and cyclophotocoagulation are also helpful in treating this condition. 

You have to understand that glaucoma damage is permanent but medications and surgery can stop further damage. If you are facing severe eye pain then you should visit an ophthalmologist. It is necessary to go for regular eye checkups. 


It is necessary to know Glaucoma’s causes, symptoms, and treatments. There are several symptoms of glaucoma such as low vision, blind spots, red eyes, nausea, vomiting, and more. The cause of Glaucoma is excessive fluid (aqueous humor) in the eyes, severe infection blocking blood vessels inside your eye, eye inflammatory condition, eye infection, etc. 

For treating this condition, there are many options such as  Glaucoma drainage devices,  Trabeculectomy, Iridotomy, cyclophotocoagulation, cataract surgery, and other surgeries that help in reducing the symptoms of this condition.  To understand your eye condition you should go for regular eye checkups or you can also diagnose this condition with the help of gonioscopy, dilated eye exam, optical coherence tomography, pachymetry, slit-lamp exam, ocular pressure test, and visual acuity test. 

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